Inside: 5 steps to the best looking home on the street!

First impressions count. From the moment a buyer looks at your online real estate listing, or drives past your home – they have made a judgement call within 0.1 seconds*!

Whether it’s your own home, or an investment property, maximising its value through clever design is essential. Interior design and property styling doesn’t need to be all hard work or just for creative types – consider cleanliness, de-cluttering and maintenance as a part of your investment strategy, along with the creative and fun tasks.

In this article, we’ll cover:

Inside: 5 steps to the best looking home on the street!

Kerb appeal can help increase the
value of your property by up to 17%*!

Ask yourself  ‘Are you keeping up with the Jones’?’ Does your home have all the features and lifestyle attributes a buyer desires in your suburb? Remember, Bank Valuers and buyers think the same way: Does this home feel fresh and welcoming, with quality fittings and appeal? More importantly, are the features in line with the comparable properties on the market … Or does the rusty gate and broken porch light create a barrier to you maximising your investment?

If you’re considering pulling down equity from your property or relying on a quick sale to keep building your empire with your next project, start with a cosmetic upgrade to the facade. And the best place to start is with your front door! An uninspired welcome won’t lure buyers in, and injecting some personality can make all the difference to the number of visitors attending your open for inspection.

In a weekend, you can knock over these 5 easy fixes
with a little elbow grease and some inspiration.

TIP: Download your exclusive checklist below to keep you on track


1. Feature Light – Welcome buyers after hours  

Remember buyers drive past at night too. If your home can’t be found or is dark and unassuming, will buyers add it to the top of their Saturday viewing list? A light and bright entry through a feature wall sconce or pendant light is the easiest way to add instant appeal.

A well-lit entry is critical for open inspections.
2. Doormat – Implied luxury starts underfoot with a plush welcome

Creating a warm welcome can be as simple as a generously sized doormat, that suits the style of your home. Plush textiles create a ‘feeling’ of implied luxury, so don’t skimp on the cheapest version from the hardware store. Consider materials like hemp or jute, tassels or even pop of pattern, to tie in with your design.

Don’t skimp on the small stuff! Your doormat should tie in with the style of your home
3. Colour – Paint is your best friend

Don’t be afraid to add a pop of colour to the front door or entry! Did you know paint offers the highest return on dollars spent?Not sure where to start? Look to your landscaping for inspiration – is there a hint of red, or yellow flowers in bloom that can be repeated on the door?

Use a pop of colour on your front door. Choose a colour that works well with your landscaping
4. Plants – Bring life to the home

Nature inspires us, and fragranced foliage can be a source of positive memory for visitors to your home. Play with groupings of pot colours, textures and heights to create symmetry and interest either side of the door. Hanging baskets can add more depth and dimension if you have space.

Weekend warriors, add fresh mulch or pebbles and trim your plants of any dead foliage or overgrown branches.
5. House number – Finding the house day or night is key to your visitors’ experience.

Can you tie in the look and feel of the font? Will the number be next to the door, or on a mailbox at the gate too? Thinking of all the little details adds up to more value. Leave a lasting impression!

Make sure your house number is stylish and well-lit
Want to learn ‘How to apply interior design to increase property profit’? Register for a FREE 1 Hour Webinar Masterclass with Celebrity Interior Designer James Treble now.

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  1. Thankyou so much Cherie and all the team you all do such an awesome job , I get some fantastic ideas from you guys all the time xxx

  2. Thank you Cherie and RFP team! I knew from the beginning your expertise and training resources would fit like a glove – and they do. Your ongoing support is second to none, without doubt.

  3. Hello Cherie,

    My unusual brick veneer home :

    Has 2 entrances and with an open/and close door in the hallway.
    Half has an ensuite a master bedroom lounge dining kitchen and a laundry.
    Other half has 1 master bedroom ensuite, a single bedroom , a living room with kitchenette.

    In your opinion, would you convert the living area into a master bedroom . Remove the kitchenette , put a plaster wall and convert it into a 4th bedroom with a walk in wardrobe.

    Does the property value increase as a 3 master bedrooms and a single bedroom instead?

    The renovations to change the internal set up would cost approx. $ 4.500.00 .

    Thank you for your time and advice.



  4. I’ve been to one of your classes and really enjoyed it. I’m
    Currently selling my home which doesn’t need any work. My problem is wether to buy a bigger 1-3 acre property with my partner or a smaller place for myself. We like a place in Tyabb but the floor plan doesn’t really make sense to me upstairs and would love to have someone come along to an open a give us a quote on moving some walls and Reno kitchen bathrooms and laundry. Was also thinking of moving kitchen to Create another living area. Love the property but don’t want to over capitalise or pay to much for it initially. Confused 🤔

  5. Hi Cherie,
    Many thanks for the valuable information, I have a house reno then for sale, it is No 1 in the street and I will capitalise on number 1. with a larger standout numeral.

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